Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Formal Pictures [Logan's mom is a Genie]

I totally look obese.

I love this picture of all of us girls a lot.

He looks smart, and I look Asian.


Kyle! said...

You don't look obese! =)
Looks like you all had fun at Formal, though!

I'm trying to figure out how to add you to my "followed blogs" so I don't have to find you everytime...But it appears that you hid it, or something. =/ that's ok, I'll figure it out.
I haven't read any of your blogs besides the pictures, haha. But that will change on my free time. =)

- Kyle

shelbaybay said...

dange you look attractive:) you know whats weird i have always wanted to take pictures bu that one train car w/ the windows on it bup i thought imight look funny to the people driving down the highway. and thanks for sharing detention with me today:)!

Joanna said...

Lookin' good, Christina!
Hopefully formal was amazing. =) The pictures look great.