Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I realized today how easy it is to just throw your life away with one stupid choice. I realized today that people do that all the time. And that's why people never really make it out of their teen years. One stupid mistake and the girl who had an exciting basketball future at UCLA lined up for her, gets pregnant, and it's all over. A young man who was tired of fighting the endless battles in life on his own, and puts a gun in his mouth. A girl who decides that she knows better than everyone else and decides to try life on her own. Throwing away her high school career and destined to work at some fast food place for the rest of her life. What I learned today was how easy it is to make those mistakes. They're everywhere. They're in like almost every choice you make. Why is it so easy to completely destroy your life, and can do it in like 3 seconds. But then almost impossible to undo that damage? Life is completely unfair, if you ask me.