Monday, June 1, 2009

Ice Cream!!!!!!

Okay, so this past weekend was freaking crazy. I did a whole bunch of random stuff this weekend... I went to a big huge school wide bonfire, the ensemble sang at the strawberry coronation, we also sang at a church and it was lots of fun. Taylor and I went to Wing Ming for a early dinner Saturday evening, and that evening the owners of Wing Ming's house burned down. Right after we ate there. They lived right across the street from Megan, and it was totally intense.I also watched "Taken" twice. Sunday was kind of weird, I just mainly laid around Megan's house and watched "One Tree Hill". There was a bunch of random drama that happened that night, but whatever, the weekend was still pretty good. My absolute favorite part about the whole weekend was Friday night. Not only did I watch the school play, for yet the second time, but I also had Shelby Olson's amazing ice cream! Seriously. It was the bonb-digitty. I don't think I've ever had anything as good in my entire life. It was root-beer flavored, and I almost died. It was GREAT. She rocks. She's making that at my birthday party, and my wedding, and my funeral. For sure.


shelbaybay said...

hey we could start an icecream making business with you... we would be billionares ! :)

cmb said...

no, YOU will be the billionare... not me.. i'll just eat all the icecream and get fat!