Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stupid Book-Stupid Moive

I'm writing this post in response to Shavonne's review of Twilight. First of all, I must say that I had totally sworn to never pay money to see the movie, after painfully reading ALL FOUR of Stephanie Meyer's dumb creations about a dumb should-have-been-blond girl falling in love with "Prince Charming". He's older, absolutely beautiful, has sparkly skin, is ultra strong, is extremely wealthy and plays the piano. By the way- he's a freaking VAMPIRE!!! Yummmmm.

I gave in to peer pressure, saw the movie...and regretted it ever moment I was there. Clearly, I am not a Twilight fan. Besides the fact that it was very poorly written, it had absolutely no story line whatsoever!Basically, Steph (I'm writing 'Steph' because a.) I have like no respect for the woman b.) It's quicker to write 'steph' and c.) I just feel like we connect so well, that we are on a nick-named basis. lol) tried to create this guy that Devon so perfectly described as an attempt at creating a "swoon-worthy a character like Mr. Darcy" lol.

I, unlike Shavonne, liked Hollywood's Edward. He is a creep. So in the movie, they did a great job of bringing that out in him. Just look at him. He looks evil and as if all he wanted to just devour her in three bites, or do something creepy and gross, like suck her blood... oh wait...:)

Everyone that I've talked to about twilight, with the exception of Devon, is like in love with the nasty bloodsucker. Honestly, while I was reading those books I actually thought that you were supposed to be afraid of him and dislike him. You definitely weren't supposed to root for him and totally fall in love with him, unless you were stupid. He is totally controlling and obsessive and dumb. Plus he's sparkly!! Eww! In the movie they did a good job of making him look absolutely ridiculous, which just makes Bella look even gayer for falling in love with the freak.

I have to agree with Shavonne, that the stupid fights between Bella and Edward are petty and retarded. They are totally annoying and they just make you want to burn the book, as if you didn't already.

I am definitely a Jacob Black fan. I think that Bella should have definitely married him. But the movie makes him look like some punk kid that is into a older girl. But later, in like New Moon, they are like BFF's, while Edward takes off. Bella was stupid to go back to him. After pulling that "I'm miserable without you- I don't even know what to do without you, I can't possibly exist without you" crap, I would have totally shot him in the face. Or something. That probably wouldn't do any good considering he's a vampire, but maybe he'd get the point... idk. Jacob was what made New Moon bearable. I think that he and Alice were definitely the only good part of the books. I also have to say that Alice was totally not very cool in the movie. They really didn't do her justice at all. She's like the greatest ever, and she's funny. If she was here at my school, we would be best friends. I think. :)

I don't know. I really disliked the books for a lot of reasons. If you are thinking of reading them... don't. They are dumb.I will tell you everything that happens in two words...absolutely nothing.