It's weird to say that I am now an ELCA Graduate. Crazy. I don't think I've blogged since Pendleton, which was a good time. But there were many more great times this year. My senior year started out pretty rocky, and I thought I would never make it, but I totally did. I had a TON of growing and maturing to do, but God was good to me. He let me make my stupid choices, and then picked me up when I fell. He put people into my life that helped me, encouraged me, and let me be me.
I will never forget this year. I made friends with people I never thought I would make friends with, and I lost some that I never thought I would lose. But I also grew more than anything to love and respect the people at ELCA and the people who make ELCA possible. That place is a wonderful home and my class was my family. I love each person soooo much! The senior trip was when I realized that everyone was leaving and we would cease to exist as a family. I love each of them so much. It was crazy. I was reminded at Graduation that I could look to my right or left and I know their first, middle and last names, what sports they play, how many siblings they have, if their parents are divorced, their siblings and parents by name and what their favorite colors are. I'm going to miss these people.
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