Friday, July 25, 2008

This is my 'Ghost Runner' (on third) in place of my Journal

Right now I'm hanging out with my aunt and uncle at their farm house right outside of Corvallis.Yes, it's the cutest little farm house. I love spending time with my newly married relatives. They just recently got married in Reno. And are having another wedding in front of family and friends in August. I am sooo super excited for it! :) I love calling her "Aunt Joani" now after like 10 years! Woooo hoooo! The wedding is going to be here at their farm house and Emmi and I are going to be in the wedding as bridesmaids. It's going to be soooo awesome.

Now I'm going to pretend that I have millions of readers that have been wondering where I've been and why I haven't posted in forever:

Well, last week my family drove to cal-ee-for-nia!!We had a huge Barreto Family reunion. It was great. Kind of. :) It was HOTTT! Aaaaand I didn't know like 1/2 the people there, which is always fun. The good thing about it was that I got to see all of my cousins that I only get to see like once a year. And some that I had not seen in like 3 or 4 years. It was nice. The other thing is that I got to do a lot of shopping. We were in Redding, and honestly I didn't know what to expect, in terms of shopping, but I was quite pleasantly surprised. We also got to stop at Crater Lake on the way home. I hadn't been there in like a year, so it was nice too see it again. I love that place. I could sit there for hours and hours just staring into space. The water looks so peaceful there, and I always have a dream that I am swimming across, although I know that if I tried I would die of coldness. :)

So blueberry harvest has begun. I hate that part of the summer. It means that I have to wake up at the freaking butt-crack of dawn to pick berries. GGGGGRRRRR. I think that it has just been recently that I have hated it, because mom said that I used to love it. I think that was when all of my friends were losers like me and didn't have a job, so it was kind of a social occasion. Now I'm only going because I don't have a job and these people are really good friends of the family so I feel bad not going.

Next week is some kind of church camp that I'm going to help out at. I really don't know what to expect. One day at school I had a substitute teacher and she was very really. Like she was excited about what we were learning in BIOLOGY... ewwww. What a freak. Anyway, she told me that I reminded her of her. hmmmm... Okay... Anyway, she said that I seemed like I would be someone that would be good with helping out little kids. Okay, that's just weird, because you all know about GS camp. Anyway, she asked me if I was interested in helping at this church camp this summer... and I, being the idiot that I am was like "oh...sure" thinking that she was only a sub. and that she wouldn't remember me the next day. Then it turned out that she was friends with my mom, and then I knew that there was no way that I was going to get out of this predicament. So yesterday I get a call from her, and she was frantically trying to get some high school helpers at this camp. I felt bad for her, and I said that I would be there. grrr... there goes my week of laying around, reading and getting a tan... like I need one. :)

So on Thursday night I saw Momma Mia, and I have to say, my friends told me before that it was cheesy... and I would hate to say it, but they were right. The acting wasn't exactly stellar, on the other hand, it was kind of cute. There was only one actor who's singing was particularly cringe-worthy, I don't even remember who it was, or what he was singing, but Devon had told me right before that it sucked, and she was right. But in the end, it wasn't all that bad. It was a cute movie. I'm glad I saw it. But it definitely not as good as the Mystery Science Theatre that we saw afterwards. I think that show is sooo awesome. But when I was trying to explain it to some of my friends the next day, they looked my like I was on crack and said that I was retarded. Well... apparently it's not for everyone.. :) which is really too bad.

I also saw Bat Man...The Dark Kight... or whatever it is... I don't remember... anyway, it wasn't worth remembering. Although it was nice to see Heath Ledger's last movie. I did enjoy watching him, but not all the time, obviously, because it was gross.I have a weak stomach... obviously.

So my friend Michelley-Ellie is living at her home in Lacomb again... which I am totally excited about. I have been able to see her this summer, and although it's not the same as it used to be, it's better than nothing. I miss the old Lacombie-Homies, but it's alright. Morgan promised that she would come back in August to jump off Larwood Bridge with me, so when she comes back, I hope we will be able to get the whole Lacombie group back together for a few days.... not counting Tucker... if you know what I mean.. :)

So I have finished the book, Plain Truth, I guess a while ago, but I loved it! I was so good. I love those kind of books. I have for a while been pondering the idea of maybe going to Law school, because there were a few people that told me that because I love to argue and read, that I would make a really good lawyer. However, the thing is, I would want to be a defense attorney. And the problem with that is, I would be representing people that are clearly guilty. And I have been taught my whole life that lying is wrong... right? But I thing that although maybe 90% of my clients would be guilty, I would be in it for the 10% that is innocent. Who knows. I don't know what it is I want to do anymore, which I am told is normal, but I don't like it one bit. I have always wanted to be an music teacher, but now I'm thinking Law, and I have also been considering English or Journalism... I hate this... grrr. I don't know... I suppose I'm only a Junior, but I want to know before I'm a senior... unlike a lot of people who change their major like 80 thousand times. But whatever.