Monday and Tuesday were both destroyed by having to go to Portland to play the lamest game known to mankind. I used to really enjoy the game a lot. I used to dream that I was in the WMBA and amazing. I wish I could go back to the days when i ate, drank, slept, lived basketball. I don't know what happened along the way. Maybe I just got tired of it. Maybe I just woke up and finally realized that there was no possible way that I could make my coaches happy. I don't know. Our team won the tournament and we brought home the first place prize, but no matter how many times I looked at that trophy and saw the happiness in the eyes of my "teammates" I couldn't bring myself to rejoice and feel as thought I really wasn't a part of that win. I didn't deserve it, and there was no way for me to feel like I had anything to do with this victory. That probably had something to do with the fact that I really wasn't a part of it. I was there in body and I cheered for my team and I was watching the game, but my position this year is the bench warmer. I don't know quite how it happened, especially because last year I was very close to being a starter. Now I don't go in until my coach is absolutely sure the he's got the win, and even then, sometimes he keeps me out just to spite me. I am so tired of this because I really don't think it has to do with my playing ability. But that's okay, I don't mind wasting my weeks and evenings going to basketball games and practices to only sit on the bench. It's great fun. I highly recommend it!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Rylee's First Christmas!
Posted by cmb at 12:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Stupid Book-Stupid Moive
I'm writing this post in response to Shavonne's review of Twilight. First of all, I must say that I had totally sworn to never pay money to see the movie, after painfully reading ALL FOUR of Stephanie Meyer's dumb creations about a dumb should-have-been-blond girl falling in love with "Prince Charming". He's older, absolutely beautiful, has sparkly skin, is ultra strong, is extremely wealthy and plays the piano. By the way- he's a freaking VAMPIRE!!! Yummmmm.
I gave in to peer pressure, saw the movie...and regretted it ever moment I was there. Clearly, I am not a Twilight fan. Besides the fact that it was very poorly written, it had absolutely no story line whatsoever!Basically, Steph (I'm writing 'Steph' because a.) I have like no respect for the woman b.) It's quicker to write 'steph' and c.) I just feel like we connect so well, that we are on a nick-named basis. lol) tried to create this guy that Devon so perfectly described as an attempt at creating a "swoon-worthy a character like Mr. Darcy" lol.
I, unlike Shavonne, liked Hollywood's Edward. He is a creep. So in the movie, they did a great job of bringing that out in him. Just look at him. He looks evil and as if all he wanted to just devour her in three bites, or do something creepy and gross, like suck her blood... oh wait...:)
Everyone that I've talked to about twilight, with the exception of Devon, is like in love with the nasty bloodsucker. Honestly, while I was reading those books I actually thought that you were supposed to be afraid of him and dislike him. You definitely weren't supposed to root for him and totally fall in love with him, unless you were stupid. He is totally controlling and obsessive and dumb. Plus he's sparkly!! Eww! In the movie they did a good job of making him look absolutely ridiculous, which just makes Bella look even gayer for falling in love with the freak.
I have to agree with Shavonne, that the stupid fights between Bella and Edward are petty and retarded. They are totally annoying and they just make you want to burn the book, as if you didn't already.
I am definitely a Jacob Black fan. I think that Bella should have definitely married him. But the movie makes him look like some punk kid that is into a older girl. But later, in like New Moon, they are like BFF's, while Edward takes off. Bella was stupid to go back to him. After pulling that "I'm miserable without you- I don't even know what to do without you, I can't possibly exist without you" crap, I would have totally shot him in the face. Or something. That probably wouldn't do any good considering he's a vampire, but maybe he'd get the point... idk. Jacob was what made New Moon bearable. I think that he and Alice were definitely the only good part of the books. I also have to say that Alice was totally not very cool in the movie. They really didn't do her justice at all. She's like the greatest ever, and she's funny. If she was here at my school, we would be best friends. I think. :)
I don't know. I really disliked the books for a lot of reasons. If you are thinking of reading them... don't. They are dumb.I will tell you everything that happens in two words...absolutely nothing.
Posted by cmb at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: books
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Revolve Tour 2008
So this past weekend I went to the Revolve Tour. It's basically 2 days of Christian concerts and craziness with all your best girlfriends. I went my freshman year, and now again this year. Things have changed a lot since then. Like, when I went the first time, there was a lot more speaking. Each one of the bands or singers would go up and tell their stories. It was really good. Tammy Trent was there the first year I went, and her story is one that I don't think I'll ever forget. She was really funny, but her story was the most heart-breaking story in the whole world. She wrote this book and it's amazing, but way sad. Anyway, she's amazing and no other Revolve tour will ever be as good as that first year. Plus, this year it was basically like a rock concert the whole time... non-stop, and let me tell you... after 6 hours of non-stop shrill screaming it got old. After 1 hour. Plus, I was very unhappy because I was sick and not really in the whole rock concert mood. The drama team ended up being my favorite part of the tour. (I actually got a really good idea for this year's poetry slam!) Next to watching the skits, my other favorite part was just standing out in the hallway, and watching people. Isn't it crazy that we are all 'somebody else' to everyone else? Like, I was standing there thinking about how everyone just walks around and has their own life, thoughts, issues, etc. Each and everyone of them walk around and expect us to understand them, and wants all of us to be in-tune with their life. WEIRD. So, anyway, Revolve was fun. Odd, weird, annoying- but fun. :)
Posted by cmb at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
School Activites
Holy Cow. I haven't posted in forever. Perhaps my life is just too dull. Or maybe that's the problem, it's not dull enough that I have enough time to post. Idk. But I'm posting now. Things have been extremely boring at school. Let's see, we've already had the first two events that the Leadership Class does. The first was the Bondservant Auction, which is basically the "Chrsitian" way of saying "Slave Auction." And yes, it is what is sounds like. A bunch of upper class men put out posters promising all sorts of great things for the people who buy them and then on the Friday after the auction, they have to be their slave all day at school. This year, Hannah Whitehead and I got together and were sold together. We went for $150, which was the second highest buy. We had 5 masters and it was a ton of fun. We had a sleepover the night before, and it was extravagant fun. We played games, watched movies, painted nails, ate tons of food, and did a lot of girl-talk. It was great. The next day, after a dutch brothers run, Hannah and I were forced to carry all of their stuff to and from classes, take notes, do their math, sing 'Jesus Loves Me' between classes, buy them pizza from Pizza Hut, and s;urpees from Seven Eleven. It was a blast.
The other event was the Lock-In. Which, is basically, an all night party. all. night. long. But I did end up sleeping for about 10 minutes, which was about 9 minutes longer than last year. There were a lot of tournaments going on; table hockey, basketball, volleyball, doge ball, ping-pong, karaoke- ok so maybe that last one wasn't a tournament, but it SHOULD have been. I would have won... HANDS DOWN. :) I spent a lot of time in the bathroom with a large group of my friends. We were having a "G.P" which actually stands for a 'group poop', but in our case it was a group party. It was so awesome. We danced (gasp!)and sang in front of the mirrors, and we chatted about boys, and all the important things in life--like; our nails, and our next shopping trips, and "OMG can you believe Sara....." At one point we were all doing the Macarina to the song "Hot 'n Cold" by Katy Perry. It was the bomb-digitty. We had about 4 or 5 "G.P.'s" that night. Once I tried to escape, because I was exhausted from all the dances, but Brenna spotted me, and she returned with that whole group who just picked me up and carried me back. It was fun. There were like 15 girls at one point in there. It was AWESOME!
Basketball started on Monday. I was so close to not playing this year. But I found myself going to practice a bit reluctantly on Tuesday, telling myself that this will be good for me. The part that is going to drive me absolutely crazy is the Saturday varsity practices. I am glad I made varsity, although, it wasn't really all that hard.... but getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to go and get sweaty while running a million suicides doesn't sound like all that much fun.
Lastly I must talk about the wretched Annual Fall Banquet that took place last night. I was so super excited because I am in both the choir and the ensemble this year, and I play the piano for one of the choir songs that we sang. It was our first performance, and I was stoked! I knew that the choir was going to be good, and I wasn't really all that sure about the ensemble, because I think that we are progressively getting worse, regardless of what Mrs. Grove says. But was the ensemble the problem? Noooo, I got up there in front of God knows how many people, and totally humiliated myself by totally screwing up the song I played.OMG, it was awful. I could have cried. I really expected someone out of the crowd to just stand up and shoot me in the face. And I think that probably would have been less painful than that awful awkward silence that happened when I went back to my place between Katie and Brenna. Oh well, I suppose I will have plenty of opportunities to redeem myself. Like, say, when we go to the WOU festival, when we go the Liberty to sing, when we got to Musicale, when we sing in front of our school... who knows, I might actually get it right!
Posted by cmb at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Well, this week has certainly been interesting. I think the only good thing that happened was the birth of my first nephew. And first of my parents grandchildren. It was very exciting. He is so cute. Riley Adam Barreto was born Thursday October 16th at 2:00 am. He was 7lb 3 oz. And he's pretty freakin adorable. (pictures coming soon-standby)
So right now I am at my school. Why you ask? Well, let me tell you. The ensemble (which I blogged about with pictures) had an all-night retreat. ALL. NIGHT. At about 2:00 P.M. today I was ready to pass out I was so tired. And now, 12 hours later- 2:00 A.M., I sit here basically not knowing what else to do besides post this blog and check my e-mail. The first two hours weren't too bad. David Hastings came to work with us on blending and stuff. It was pretty cool. He's going to be the mass choir director and adjudicator at musicale this year, which I am totally psyched about.
Right after he left I wanted to just sleep. But I soon found that sleep was no where in my near future. I tried all of the places I could think to sleep. I tried in "Mrs. Grove's Office", which really was obviously a dumb place to try to sleep. I tried sleeping in the weight room, but the lights wouldn't turn off, and the music in there wouldn't shut off. That was annoying. Then I tried sleeping in Mrs. Grove's car.... but when I opened the door and three penguins waddled out, I realized that I would soon freeze to death. Plus the music from the choir room and the gym were still far too loud for me to get any real sleep in. Aaand on top of that, there is a big light out there that basically prevents anyone from any form of dark bliss.So I tried one last thing.... oh yes, the bathroom floor. I know, gross! I was completely disgusted, but I figured I would find a way to laugh about it later, so I ignored that nasty detail. But the floor was really cold and hard, and I couldn't forget where I was sleeping. I couldn't sleep.Again. So I gave up. I tried. Good game America. We did our best. I want to be in my own warm bed right about now.
OMG! I just grabbed a random cup that Mrs. Grove was drinking out of, and I took a small sip. Mother of the living living that is BAD! It tastes like watered down Sprite/Diet Dr. Pepper/ ice-tea/poop/popcorn.... No, really, it's bad. I think I'm going to puke!I. NEED. SLEEP!!!
Posted by cmb at 2:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
So I was selected to be in the school's "Honors Ensemble" YAY! The only thing I'm anywhere near good at is singing, which is why the best honors class I can be in is in music. Ah, well. Any way, it's had it's trials and tribulations so far, but the year is yet so young. Here are our cool ensemble pics:
Posted by cmb at 7:01 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sitting In Health Class
So right now, I'm sitting in health class. We are talking about our "feewcher" and, I have to admit, it's kind of exciting. Like, really. I am only a junior and I seriously can't wait until my senior year. I have premature senoritas. Crazy. Although, I really am not excited about leaving home. I really love living in Lacomb. It makes me happy, and I love the people here. I love being able to walk down the street and know everybody by name, and have inside jokes with them. I really like that. A lot.
This past weekend, I watched Anne of Green Gables for the billionth time. Seriously. I love that movie. I suppose that is because I love Anne. She is such a kindred spirit. Every time I watch that movie I just hold my breathe and pray that this time Matthew might not die. It's always so sad and I always cry when he dies. EVERY TIME. And every time I read the book too. Aww... Matthew. I have decided that after I graduate from high school, I am going to Prince Edward Island. I have to. I told Devon that she is coming with me- and I know she isn't taking me seriously because all she said was... "OK!" But really,I am going there.
By the way. In case you didn't know, I am ambidextrous. Yes, it's true. I announced the other day after school that I was going to teach myself how to write with my right hand. Devon said that she doubted I could do it, and even went so far as to say that she thought it would last about 20 minutes. Lame. I soooo can do it. What a jerk. :) You would think that she would know me well enough that if she tells me that I can't do something, I AM going to prove her wrong. Ye of little faith :) ba ha ha!
Posted by cmb at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
school and such
Well, there are 162 school days left. But who's counting? :) It's not that I hate school, because I really don't. I think that the people that I go to school with are nice, but can be very annoying. As I mentioned before, I go to a very very tiny school. I really don't know how many people go there, but not enough. Sometimes it is nice, everyone knows every one, and then sometimes it sucks because everyone knows everything about everyone. Feel sorry for me.
So yesterday, I was sitting in Health II and since I really wasn't all that motivated to be working on my "find your spiritual gift" assignment, I was day dreaming. I was looking out the window and I saw a very large tree, that was calling my name. I wanted so badly to run out there and climb to the top of it and sit and stare. Although, whatelse can you do in a tree? All you can do is sit and stare. But that would be lovely. I think. I wanted to sing and just look down at the world and laugh. Wouldn't that be fun?
Posted by cmb at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
Saturday, August 30, 2008
no more happiness
I can't believe that in less than 3 days, I will be going back to school. Oh how I hate that place. My summer is almost over!No more fun, No more happiness! Crazy! There were so many things I wanted to do, that I never got to do:
1.) light my clothes on fire and jump off Larwood Bridge
2.) light the tires of my bike on fire and ride it
3.) go to PL, Washington and visit Morgan
4.) go on a road trip with "Freakin Katelyn" , "Freakin Kody","Mogie Pogie" and "Master Bates"
5.) go skydiving with megan
6.) do the gallon challenge with Morgan
As you can see this summer hasn't been all that productive, I don't even know what I did all summer. Which is good, right? That's what summer is for. I love not having to know what day of the week it is.
Naturally, yesterday was my last day at Blue Moon, where I worked. And the last hour and fifteen minutes were weird. I didn't know how I was supposed to feel. I was happy that it was my last day. But sad, knowing that I would have to return to school next week. When I started to think about school, and being in the principles office, and being in detention and suspension, and all that stupid stuff that goes along with school, suddenly seed cleaning didn't sound so bad. And I hated seed cleaning. I was happy for the work, but there is absolutely no "scope for the imagination" in seed cleaning.
Don't get me wrong, I do like my school. So often I make fun of it. But there are plenty of pleasant people there, and it's really small, which makes it nice. I just hate the idea of summer ending... well, you get it.
Today my dad went to Portland with one of his employees for something random. My mom and sisters went to the Oregon State Fair. So it's just me right now at home. And I'm kind of really bored. But, I'm going to watch a Mystery Science Theater on youtube, and maybe take a long walk... I love being home by myself these days. I suppose I could have gone with either my dad or my mom, but I really didn't want to go all the way to P-Town, and I hate walking around at the state fair with my mom and sisters. But mom walks so freaking fast. Not to mention, right now she's kind of upset at me. :)
Posted by cmb at 10:48 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm a working woman!!! WOOO HOOOO!.. (not!)
So the one thing that I really didn't want to happen to ruin my summer was to have my summer free time be obliterated by working. And for about 2 1/2 months things worked out for me. I wasn't working full time, just at the blueberry field and odd jobs for my grandma and stuff. It was great. My summer had been fun. Just lying around doing nothing... that is what summer is for, right?
Way at the beginning of summer when my parents told me to look for a summer job, I was really lazy about it, and I applied at two places. I applied at a nursery, mostly just for fun. I wrote things like that my desired position was like a brain surgeon... stuff like that.The other place I applied was at a grass seed company. As you can tell, I was REALLY bummed when I found out that I didn't get either of the jobs I applied for. I could tell that it was going to be a summer full of reading, swimming, camps and hanging out with my friends. Oh darn. :)
I was expecting my friend from California soon. And I was all excited, because when she comes, well summer is better. We hangout with a ton of people... it's great. But noooo... things couldn't be that way this year... you know why? dDo you care? Probably not, but oh well... the person that didn't hire me at the grass seed company decided that she did want to hire me. Like last week. I had 3 weeks and 2 days until I had to quit for school, but did she care? Of course not. So I have been working at a grass seed company. In case you care, that isn't exactly fun work. Quite honestly, it sucks. I sit in a dark room alone or with a boy or two, one that I wouldn't mind killing, the other I wouldn't mind dating, and I HAND-SIFT and air column seed. All. Day. Long. Yeah, not exactly my dream job. Suddenly getting through high school, and going to college doesn't sound so bad. :)Aaaanyway, so back to my friend from California, she comes up every summer. But this year I didn't get to hang out with her very much. I work from 7:00 am-3:30 pm, but I am in town until my dad leaves his shop. Which puts me at home around 5:00 pm. And by then all I want to do is sleep or read. And I don't stay up late anymore, because I have to be up early. I hate it. I don't get how adults do it. Seriously.
Posted by cmb at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: work
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
To Shavonne:
If you were a crayon, you'd want to be white,
Which is pretty creative, and totally tight.
I think I'd be red, or purple or blue,
But that isn't quite as exciting as you.
You do much more exciting activities than I
For instance, you like running, and I'd rather die!
I enjoy bridge jumping and taking dumb risks
You do karate, and are good at throwing discs.
Plus you're really funny, and I think you are cool
The only mistake you've made was choosing your school
I'm totally kidding, 'just joshing you'!
I'm sure that U of O is worse than OSU!
But don't be disappointed or embarrassed at all
Cuz at least OSU is good at baseball (hehe)
You think guys are hot with really dark hair,
I won't complain as long as it's there!
We're so different, but so much the same,
Sometimes we're crazy, sometimes we're lame,
Now I know I'll never be lonely
Because you're the cheese to my creamy macaroni
Well, Shavonne, there you have it... I hope you like it! I love you!
Posted by cmb at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: poems
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sports Camp!
Okay, so I'm sure all you readers are wondering what ever became of the camp. :) Well, I failed to mention that this is a like Christian Sports Camp. I am helping out in basketball and it is a lot of fun. It is really cool, because we sing all kinds of songs with cool motions and the kids really get into it. Last night I stayed over at Kori Anderson's house... you know... "the sub. from biology" and it was really fun. I love her kids. They are so sweet and they are really obedient. Right now, everyone in the house is napping... including the dog. I don't think that Kori meant to fall asleep, but she's pretty busy and she was cooking and stuff all morning, like a worker bee. CRAZY. I'm not going to lie, this is kind of awkward. I feel like I should also be asleep, but whatever. So... yes sports camp, so far, has been really fun. I just love to see kids singing and dancing and having a good time. They are so cute. I'm really happy that I decided to help, and it's defiantly something I want to do next year. Good thing I don't have a job!! Ba ha ha!
Posted by cmb at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: camp
Friday, July 25, 2008
This is my 'Ghost Runner' (on third) in place of my Journal
Right now I'm hanging out with my aunt and uncle at their farm house right outside of Corvallis.Yes, it's the cutest little farm house. I love spending time with my newly married relatives. They just recently got married in Reno. And are having another wedding in front of family and friends in August. I am sooo super excited for it! :) I love calling her "Aunt Joani" now after like 10 years! Woooo hoooo! The wedding is going to be here at their farm house and Emmi and I are going to be in the wedding as bridesmaids. It's going to be soooo awesome.
Now I'm going to pretend that I have millions of readers that have been wondering where I've been and why I haven't posted in forever:
Well, last week my family drove to cal-ee-for-nia!!We had a huge Barreto Family reunion. It was great. Kind of. :) It was HOTTT! Aaaaand I didn't know like 1/2 the people there, which is always fun. The good thing about it was that I got to see all of my cousins that I only get to see like once a year. And some that I had not seen in like 3 or 4 years. It was nice. The other thing is that I got to do a lot of shopping. We were in Redding, and honestly I didn't know what to expect, in terms of shopping, but I was quite pleasantly surprised. We also got to stop at Crater Lake on the way home. I hadn't been there in like a year, so it was nice too see it again. I love that place. I could sit there for hours and hours just staring into space. The water looks so peaceful there, and I always have a dream that I am swimming across, although I know that if I tried I would die of coldness. :)
So blueberry harvest has begun. I hate that part of the summer. It means that I have to wake up at the freaking butt-crack of dawn to pick berries. GGGGGRRRRR. I think that it has just been recently that I have hated it, because mom said that I used to love it. I think that was when all of my friends were losers like me and didn't have a job, so it was kind of a social occasion. Now I'm only going because I don't have a job and these people are really good friends of the family so I feel bad not going.
Next week is some kind of church camp that I'm going to help out at. I really don't know what to expect. One day at school I had a substitute teacher and she was very really. Like she was excited about what we were learning in BIOLOGY... ewwww. What a freak. Anyway, she told me that I reminded her of her. hmmmm... Okay... Anyway, she said that I seemed like I would be someone that would be good with helping out little kids. Okay, that's just weird, because you all know about GS camp. Anyway, she asked me if I was interested in helping at this church camp this summer... and I, being the idiot that I am was like "oh...sure" thinking that she was only a sub. and that she wouldn't remember me the next day. Then it turned out that she was friends with my mom, and then I knew that there was no way that I was going to get out of this predicament. So yesterday I get a call from her, and she was frantically trying to get some high school helpers at this camp. I felt bad for her, and I said that I would be there. grrr... there goes my week of laying around, reading and getting a tan... like I need one. :)
So on Thursday night I saw Momma Mia, and I have to say, my friends told me before that it was cheesy... and I would hate to say it, but they were right. The acting wasn't exactly stellar, on the other hand, it was kind of cute. There was only one actor who's singing was particularly cringe-worthy, I don't even remember who it was, or what he was singing, but Devon had told me right before that it sucked, and she was right. But in the end, it wasn't all that bad. It was a cute movie. I'm glad I saw it. But it definitely not as good as the Mystery Science Theatre that we saw afterwards. I think that show is sooo awesome. But when I was trying to explain it to some of my friends the next day, they looked my like I was on crack and said that I was retarded. Well... apparently it's not for everyone.. :) which is really too bad.
I also saw Bat Man...The Dark Kight... or whatever it is... I don't remember... anyway, it wasn't worth remembering. Although it was nice to see Heath Ledger's last movie. I did enjoy watching him, but not all the time, obviously, because it was gross.I have a weak stomach... obviously.
So my friend Michelley-Ellie is living at her home in Lacomb again... which I am totally excited about. I have been able to see her this summer, and although it's not the same as it used to be, it's better than nothing. I miss the old Lacombie-Homies, but it's alright. Morgan promised that she would come back in August to jump off Larwood Bridge with me, so when she comes back, I hope we will be able to get the whole Lacombie group back together for a few days.... not counting Tucker... if you know what I mean.. :)
So I have finished the book, Plain Truth, I guess a while ago, but I loved it! I was so good. I love those kind of books. I have for a while been pondering the idea of maybe going to Law school, because there were a few people that told me that because I love to argue and read, that I would make a really good lawyer. However, the thing is, I would want to be a defense attorney. And the problem with that is, I would be representing people that are clearly guilty. And I have been taught my whole life that lying is wrong... right? But I thing that although maybe 90% of my clients would be guilty, I would be in it for the 10% that is innocent. Who knows. I don't know what it is I want to do anymore, which I am told is normal, but I don't like it one bit. I have always wanted to be an music teacher, but now I'm thinking Law, and I have also been considering English or Journalism... I hate this... grrr. I don't know... I suppose I'm only a Junior, but I want to know before I'm a senior... unlike a lot of people who change their major like 80 thousand times. But whatever.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Girl Scout Camp
Things that gross me out:
-Best Pots
-not being able to shower for a week
-eating food cooked by girls that are my little sisters' age
-having to put on clean clothes when I'm dirty
-the smell of shrimp cooking :(
-having to sleep in a camper with a live moth flying around waiting to suck out my eyeballs
Things that make me happy:
-my book
-hanging out with little kids
-singing camp songs
-taking long hikes
-doing all sorts of games and crafts with the kids
-eating food made in a Dutch oven
-the pioneer bonet that was made for me :)
-eating s'mores
-being the favorite counselor :)
As you can see,the things that make me happy definitely outweigh the things that gross me out, which is the reason I keep coming back every year. It was a ton of fun, and I can't wait until next year.
Posted by cmb at 7:47 PM 3 comments
Labels: GS camp
Sunday, July 6, 2008
this is pretty random
A couple of weeks ago, my dear friend Taylor came over to help me make a birthday cake for a friend of mine.Right from the start, things went from bad to worse to terrible as you can see...but it was still a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday KP!!
Okay so last week I was gone at basketball team camp.Yey. lol. It would have been more fun if I wouldn't have rolled my ankle on the first day. It was so lame. Thankfully, there were a ton of athletic trainers that were there just for that purpose. Jessica was the trainer that took care of me. She was really nice, and she checked up on me like 4 times everyday, at least. So i basically got to limp around the college campus all week and not get to participate in hardly any basketball... just what i wanted. lol.Oh well, i still got to watch and learn and hang out with my team, which basically became my family while i was there. Team Camp really brought the team together I think. All but I think one of us got along the entire time we were there.It was really good.
This week is Girl Scout Camp, and I am super psyched! I go every year as a counselor not a camper, so don't laugh. This year's theme is Pioneer Days which should be totally cool. I think on Friday we are going to do like "Lebanon's Pioneer Days" and are going to have a very small strawberry parade complete with strawberry shortcake. I think it's gonna be cute!
Posted by cmb at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: basketball, cooking, GS camp
Friday, July 4, 2008
This is very strange. I always thought that blogging was for people that had really interesting lives.... until i began reading some blogs... lol. I'm not really sure if this is going to last very long at all, but I'm going to give it a try. Basically, I'm just really bored with myspace and facebook. Although I don't really know what it is that I'm expecting with blogging.. oh well. Here goes!
Posted by cmb at 12:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: blogging