I love pineapple, I love tea,
but most of all, I love me!:)
Posted by cmb at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Okay, I don't want to make it sound like I'm not having fun, because that would be a total lie. I AM having fun. Really. Aside from all the basketball games where we are having to constantly stand and cheer in the student section, and the constant throbbing in my head from the sound of basketballs on the court, everything is perfect. :) haha. I guess basketball just isn't my passion, which, if any of you reading this didn't already know this, then I probably don't know you. But I love people who are passionate, and seeing all the girls on my team totally come alive and show their dedication and heart towards this game, has been really fun. I just feel so honored to be included in this excitement. Hannah Jo and I woke up early today and went with Mr. Cowan and Alex to see Scio play. It was actually pretty fun. Hannah and I totally gave Joe and Alex a hard time. I don't know, it's actually been a really good experience. Lots of basketball. And I'm not too annoyed with basketball at this point. I think i can go another two days. I have to admit, I'm kind of bitter that this fell on this week, because I got free tickets to NNU's production of Oklahoma which I'm pretty sure would have been the bomb-digitty to attend, but whatever. This is fun too. Not exactly Broadway, but it'll do. :) Pray for us as we take on St. Mary's tomorrow!! Go Eagles!
Hannah wanted me to mention to all of you that I tried to actually make it Broadway at Burger King today. I decided, after not thinking it through of course, that I should dance and sing "Matchmaker" from Fiddler on the Roof. Things did not end well. I went to do my finale, and i threw my hands back, but as I was doing that, a lady decided that she would try to "sneak" by me with a full cup of soda. I ended up red-faced, cleaning up a HUGE mess as the team laughed hysterically. Wow. Looks like maybe Broadway isn't such a great idea. haha.
Posted by cmb at 7:56 PM 1 comments
Labels: basketball, music
Okay, I know it's been a long time. Eventually I will go back and talk about the past few months, but for now I want to be excited for this week!! OMW!! For the first time in 9 years, East Linn Lady Eagles are headed to Pendleton!! Wow!!! I'm so stoked!! I remember the feeling, when we were at Pilot Rock and I realized that we were going to win the game, it was the greatest feeling in the world. I suddenly felt so at peace about not going to state in choir (momentarily) haha. Hannah Jo and I made a pact that we would be the first people that we would hug when we won. So the minute the buzzer rang, we sprinted at each other, and they started playing "chariots of fire" (just kidding) and we collided. Ha- it was not graceful in any shape or form. We seriously hit really really hard. It was really painful, but I didn't care because I was soooooooo happy! Anyway, I'm so stoked about this week. It's gonna be a great week. Stressful as crap, but fun.
Posted by cmb at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: basketball
I realized today how easy it is to just throw your life away with one stupid choice. I realized today that people do that all the time. And that's why people never really make it out of their teen years. One stupid mistake and the girl who had an exciting basketball future at UCLA lined up for her, gets pregnant, and it's all over. A young man who was tired of fighting the endless battles in life on his own, and puts a gun in his mouth. A girl who decides that she knows better than everyone else and decides to try life on her own. Throwing away her high school career and destined to work at some fast food place for the rest of her life. What I learned today was how easy it is to make those mistakes. They're everywhere. They're in like almost every choice you make. Why is it so easy to completely destroy your life, and can do it in like 3 seconds. But then almost impossible to undo that damage? Life is completely unfair, if you ask me.
Posted by cmb at 3:05 PM 4 comments
Do you ever feel like the days just mesh and melt into other days. Like, the days aren't much different, but somewhere along the lines they have to change into new days because before you know it, you realize a whole month is gone? You know? I kind of have been feeling that way for whatever reason. Like, everyday is the same day over and over and over and over again. Not that it's always bad. Some moments are better than others. But for the most part you just feel like your life is just kind of one big blur and you're just sitting there, waiting for someday to have a goal, have a plan and make sense of it all. I was walking around East Linn yesterday afternoon and I came to realize how much I feel excruciatingly insignificant. You know? Like, is there really a purpose for us all? Is it going to matter, in ten or fifteen or twenty years, that I, Christina Barreto, walked through East Linn campus, and the school meant something to me. You know? Mrs. Gillson was telling me about how she had a realization today that Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were actual people. They walked and talked and breathed and had the same struggles as everyone else around. And they, to the world, seem so much more significant. You know? I told Mrs. Grove about that feeling of absolute insignificance, and she was all talking about how that's how we SHOULD feel, and we should be so humble as to say that we are so insignificant. Ha! All I could do was laugh. Doesn't she know me well enough by now? I never been humble once before in my life--why would I start now? Okay, that was a joke. Anyway. That's kind of been on my mind lately. Like, why does it matter that I, Christina Barreto am going to be a part of the graduating class of 2010 at East Linn Christian Academy. That only means anything to me. You know? Like, even next year, who is going to care??? Not that I'm trying to say that I don't matter and that I'm emo and everything, that's not my point. I just find it very strange to think of how often I think of myself and I am always looking out for myself. I make plans for myself, I have dreams, goals, desires, and what does it all matter? I mean, beyond what it matters to me.... does that make any sense??? Anyway. Just a thought.
Today, I got a form from NNU for trying out for a music scholarship. I'm so stressed out. Like, first of all, which instrument do I audition or record? Aaaaand, what if I would rather just sing? Or just play the piano?? I mean, after all, it's not like I'm REALLY all that great at anything I do... it's just I do A LOT of different instruments and I have a lot of ability, but I'm not like AMAZING... so it's kind of stressful. Aaaaand, if I try say that I'm an alto- am I really? Not that it'll make all that much of a difference, it's just that I've been singing Alto since like 8th grade because I read music and because I can harmonize and basically learn it myself and I don't have to have a lot of extra help so, I can teach others, while Mrs. Grove teaches the Sopranos the melody. Not that I'm saying I'm so good that I don't ever need help, that's not true, it's just that I know enough about music that usually I can pick it up pretty easily, and I don't have to work very hard to do it, and then the other humans in my section can learn it faster. Sooooo..... I'm not an actual Alto. Like I don't have Megan Knox or Coleen Rydholm's true Alto voice, but I do okay.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just stressing too much about this. I talked to Kimi Kruesi about college and she was a great comfort. I found that I'm not the only human in the world freaking about college and she said that it's totally normal. Which was really nice to hear, considering I have no idea where I really want to go, and what I really want to do. Like, I want to do something with music, and English and writing and maybe possibly like theater, but who knows. Just so many things to think about. I wish someone would just tell me.
Posted by cmb at 7:04 PM 3 comments
Posted by cmb at 9:22 PM 1 comments
So these guys were some of my favorites... but Mrs. Van Essen did a SUPER fabulous job! Obviously. Anyway, let me know what you think! I'm pretty sure you will be able to see them bigger if you click on them, btw. Oh, and some things you didn't know about these pics... umm.. the first one was my genie idea after we were pretty much done and I was just messing around. The third one, where I am laying on the ground with the microphone, was SUUUUUPPER awkward because I was trying to smile and look up without a double chin-- it took some serious skills! The next one after that is basically my favorite because of the cross in the background which I didn't know was going to be in the pic, and it worked out GREAT! The next one is the one where I am being serious, and it's pretty decent I suppose, but I think I'm about to start laughing. Goodness, it's hard to do those sober pics with your best friend there and someone taking a picture! Ummm... the one where I'm wearing the white shirt is actually me in a Johnny Depp shirt, but you can't tell, which sucks... oh and that is the same tree Logan used for his senior pic for the yearbook...you can draw your own conclusions on that one.... :) lol. The last one was just fun, obviously. But suuuper cute. And please ignore the bad words written in orange over it. It didn't always say that, but just when we took the pic.... but it wasn't us, I promise. :) Hahaha.
Anyway, she did a GREAT job and I'm very happy. :) If you care to see the slide show, well you CAN!
Posted by cmb at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: pictures