Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ahhh I love weekends!!!

Yesterday was a pretty full day. I woke up pretty early and kind of just layed around, but then the creative writing club went to the Saturday market in Eugene and had a BLAST!! I was kind of cold and wet, but it was fun. I saw a lot of things that I wanted, but I don't think I ended up going back to get them. I kind of forgot about them when there was a bit of drama and trauma among the group. I tried some weird tasting foods, almost bought an amazingly beautiful skirt that I wanted sooooo bad but didn't fit me. The lady gave me her card, so I may give her a jingle so I can have her make one for me. :) Aaaaand, there was a lady there who made these cool mirror things with different cartoons of movie pics on the front. They were sooo cool. And she had a bunch of flasks. It's sooo weird that those are coming back, by the way. So yes, she also gave me her card and I'm going to have her make me a Buffy. Devon bought one that was a bunch of women superheros and there was one of Buffy, but it wasn't enough Buffy for me. Then I also saw this cool guy playing the Chinese flutes that were really pretty and pretty sounding. I played around with one for a moment, but wasn't any good. I wish I could learn every instrument in the world and then just sit on the corner of the street or on a park bench or whatever and just play. That guy was my favorite. He was really sweet and really informative. He told me all about the history of the flutes and about all the different keys they are in. I'm pretty sure if I bought one, it would be in C major/Am. So yeah, the market was really fun.

When we got back to the school, East Linn was playing in the tournament still, and they were kicking butt, so I watched for a while. Taylor and I played "The Most Addictive Game" on his ipod touch. I basically sucked at it. His best time was like 25 seconds and mine was 17.96 (Which means I'm average) Haha. Then I went to Mrs. Van Essen's office and looked at the senior pics she took of me. They turned out great! I was really excited. Then it was off to Haley's 17th birthday party/dance. It was a blast. A LOT of dancing. I'm getting too old for this. I didn't know this but apparently I'm a good dancer. According to Katie Latimer and Jayden Bontrager and other random people I'm very "smooth" whatever that means.What can I say, my hips don't lie. Hahahahaha. It made for a crazy fun ending to an super great day!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm sooooo glad it's friday!!!!!

I'm so glad it's Friday! I guess I have been really negative lately. I found out today that something a friend and I had been "joking" about tuned out to be really hurtful to that person. I felt awful. I never meant any harm and it was "only a joke", or at least I thought. Karla Pearson told me one time that there is some truth to every joke, and up until now, I didn't really agree with her. I always thought that as long as YOU knew you were joking that automatically they would know. And as long as things were being said in the context of a "joke" then it was okay to say. I guess my sarcasm can get me in just as much trouble as my non sarcasm. I will definitely try to work on this, and I'm sorry my last two posts have been so down.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My apologies to Danae Cowan. I always forget that you and Kyle are cousins, and I'm sorry for ripping him apart yesterday. You are just both so different it's crazy no one would have ever guessed you are related.

So, today we took care of the scheduling issue. Although we worked out a compromise, I'm still not as happy as I would like to be. Instead of doing PE, I'm doing weight lifting, 6th period, which is JUST the class I barely got out of last year. :( So yeah, now I'm doing that, but because Miss Reister told me one thing about PE requirements in the beginning, they are letting me only do one semester of Weight lifting, and then counting my basketball years as my other semester. Which, okay, clearly, that is better than having to drop choir, and it's also better than having to lose one of my other electives for the entire year. Yes, that does mean that I am no longer doing that speech class, which, just yesterday I started to enjoy. But whatever. I guess we can't have everything in life. Right? I tried to go back and argue it today after school, but I knew I wasn't getting anywhere and just gave up. Oh well. One more year of high school. That's all I have. I can do it! Although, the more I think about that, the more I just want to burst into tears. It's soooooo sad!! :(

Anyway. Yes, I am glad that I don't have to take an entire year of that stupid class, and I CAN do choir. So, I suppose we should all be happy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So today was the last day to change out class schedules at school. I thought I would go and ask the new academic adviser if I was going to be able to be qualified to graduate in about nine months. According to him, everything was ship shape. This was until I realized that my friend Taylor couldn't be in choir due to PE that he never took. I realized that I haven't done it in high school either. But, I was told my freshman year by the old academic adviser that if I played a varsity sport, and I was instead doing choir that it was totally cool, and they would count my sports as PE classes. That is why I didn't worry about it all of high school. Last year when I had the extra class period, I used it to assist the music teacher in both her junior high band and choir.

Anyway, I went back to the office. I wanted to talk to the old academic advisor and reiterate what she had told me three years ago. But noooooo the school secretaries sat there and refused to let me speak to her, because apparently she has no control of scheduling or anything like that anymore and if we need to talk to some one, we HAD to talk to the new advisor! Ah Hah! I was like "watch me!" okay, I didn't say that, but I definitely thought it. Anyway, I sat there calmly and waited for my turn to talk to the new one. FINALLY I talked to him, and I asked him about . He is totally aggravating me here, and I hope he could tell. I wanted to punch him is his crap lousy face!

Sooo....Am I going to have to take PE at all? I ask with a hint of hope in my voice.

Oh, you haven't taken it in high school?

Um... well, no, I've been doing choir. (As you would have known, had you ACTUALLY looked at my schedule and credit history like you said you did )

Ohhh you're one of THOSE, he says, as if I was of an entirely new breed of students.

Drop dead, I think, smiling politely not to piss him off.

Well, you're going to have to have a credit of PE this year.

Okay, what does that mean? I ask calmly because I know he EXPECTED me to fly off the handle and start freaking out as "old christina" would have.

What do you have 7th period?

Choir. DUH.

Yeah, you're going to have to drop that class.

NO. FREAKING. WAY. Um.... I ask, calmly again, well, what about high school sports, I was told in the beginning, that if I played a varsity sport, it could be considered part of my PE credits?

well.... not any more.

I was pissed. I wanted to pick him up and throw him out the window. If I were Buffy, I would have driven a wooden stake into his heart. But instead I made an appointment to figure this out tomorrow (because he had a meeting to go to), then I got up, left the room, and waited to be safely in Devon's class room to freak out.

Then in ensemble, after the meeting, I told my choir director what was going on. She flipped out, and had a conversation with the "old academic adviser", which is really the one I wanted to talk to. The new one is completely clueless apparently. While she was there, I talked Mr. Hill, because I like him SOOOO much more than the other guy. Anyway, he was totally on my side, and realized that they told me this because they didn't have the gym yet when I was a freshmen, so they hadn't made those requirements. So, I SHOULD be exempt from these rules. However, my choir director now has a meeting with the new and the old academic advisers and the athletic director tomorrow. I'm stressed out, but I keep telling myself it's going to be okay. Although, I really don't trust this new guy, so who knows. I don't understand why they would go and change this on me, and not let me know. The old adviser's words were "if you are helping to further the music department then we will allow you to use your sports as credits" this was the year when Jenni Grove was there for her first entire year, and the music program was the focus. Anyway. It just makes me mad. It better be sorted out tomorrow, or I really will stake that guy. Okay. Maybe not, but I will probably continue to have homicidal thoughts about him.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


So, yesterday was my last day of working out on the farm. It was really hard. I didn't know how to feel. I spent soooo much of my summer out there. I brought donuts for them in the morning to make things a little easier on them. I just know how hard it must have been on them. :) Haha. I had a good day though. I just know I'm going to miss all he hours of measure plants this year, and when I'm having a bad day I will look back on all the good times I had this summer. These are my favorite 10 memories from the farm:
10.)digging up potatoes with Erin and Lindsey A.
9.) Lindsey B. teaching me how to drive the Toro
8.)Listening to books on CD with the Lindseys
7.)Killing the bees
6.)teaching Lindsey B. "vocabulary" words such as: melancholy, mundane, methodical and monopoly. Hahaha. Good times. "That's rude!"
5.)Hight notes with the Lindseys
4.)Cleaning out Virginia's office and finding out that the air freshener makes noises! Haha. That was soooo freaking funny!
3.)Washing the poatriv. with the Lindseys
2.)Going to Wing Ming for the PVP celebration!And naming the dutch bros. Guy
"The Big Yellow one is The Sun" and having all our little picnics in the shade.
1.)Collecting seed from the Annual Rye grass the time when Ross' dog came over and LindseyB. chased after her and had to pick her up and carry her all the way back and dump her over the fence. Then Lindsey B. jumping the fence to get raspberries. :) mmm... those were delicious!

Wow, I hate making those kinds of lists, because there were soooo0 many great days. I will never forget the time when I thought I was going to be fired because I asked Erin a question and Virgina made a joke back to me and I didn't know it was a joke and I almost wet my pants. I will never forget all the times where we were suuuuper tired and random things came out of our mouths that we still laugh about to this day. Haha. Like" I hate it when people says things wrong" Haha. Nice. Pride comes before a fall, right? I will never forget all the drama and trauma that Lindsey B. told us complete with all the hilarious dialogue. Or her inability to use any other words besides "That's rude" haha. Or they all made fun of how many times in a sentence I say the word "like" that was soooo annoying. Good times. I also enjoyed many times having discussions with Lindsey A. about Jesus Christ, and asking her questions about her mission trip to South America. I learned a lot from her, she is very wise.

Although I am talking about all the good times, know that there were some very boring days. The first few weeks were very boring. I brought my ipod and listened to sermons, so that was good. I learned a lot from being by myself for a long time. I learned how to appreciate small things. :) My prayer life increased quite a bit, and I was able to spend a lot of time with God. Not that it all ended when the Lindseys got out of school, but I AM glad I had that time to myself. I did grow quite a bit. But there were days where it was just sooo boring. I was literally falling asleep while listening to a book on CD with a narrator with a monotone voice, while counting clovers. Or cleaning seed or measuring PVP stuff. Wow, there were some bad days, but it's the good days that I want to remember and that will bring me back there on Christmas break and spring break.

This is not to say that I'm not excited for school. I really am. I think God has great things in store for this year. I know he has been moving in a lot of lives this summer, mine included, and I'm excited to see what He has planned. I realize that for many reasons, this year is going to be the most difficult for me. But I know that there is nothing that I cannot do with God as my strength.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Student Orientation/Picture Day

Today, I knew I was going to be stressed. So I took the day off work. I was of course, happy to do this, but now I kind of wish I would have just gone to work. Because now instead of being at work and being worried about my senior pics, I have to be at home, trying to focus on my online classes and am distracted and worried. I knew it would happen. I went to bed late last night, so I could sleep in. But instead, I woke up at the same time and just pretended to be asleep. I hate that. Then finally around nine I went to student orientation. I hate that part of school. It's like the day that you know that summer is over. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about school, I do actually like school. I know, I'm a nerd, and I have always said that I hate it, but the truth is, I can't imagine what life will be like when I don't get to go to school. Right now, my life is sooooo easy. I live at home, I am fed, I don't have any bills, and basically I get to run my life. Now, in about 10 years, I hope to be married, have kids and be a teacher. But, who knows, right? Anyway, orientation was actually decent today. CJ, Taylor, Megan, Haley and I sang our rendition of the Journey song, Don't Stop Believing. It totally drives me crazy that SOME people insist on waiting til the last second for EVERYTHING. I am a perfectionist when it comes to music, even when it's just supposed to be "for fun". I hate it when you lose a basketball game or whatever and people are like "Well, did you have fun??" Seriously, nobody goes and plays basketball to "have fun" if you're totally passionate about it. You CAN have fun, but usually the fun comes when you win, or when you knew you played as hard as you could and it was enjoyable. "Well, if you had fun, then that's all that matters" BA HAHAHA! Yeah right! Never in life are you going to WANT to lose. Everyone plays to win, weather they admit it or not. Now, I realize that the song we performed was just "for fun" but even in a pick-up game of basketball, nobody is out there walking around just goofing off (for the most part) they are still in it to win. I just don't understand how people who are so "passionate" about music be so lazy. It just doesn't make sense to me. It seems to me, that even when it is "just for fun" you would still try your hardest so that you feel good about it, and then it IS fun. But hey, what do I know?

Okay, so I'm leaving in about an hour to go and get my pics done. I am soooo nervous, but I know it's ridiculous. It's JUST senior pictures. It's not a HUGE deal, but for some reason, it is for me. I know I shouldn't be freaked. Mrs. Van Essen is doing them and she's a genie. Or, as her daughter put it, "My mom can make ANYONE look good" haha. Thanks. Well, I'm off to do my hair and make up. Pray for me!! :)