Today felt great! I was sooo happy that I don't have another Monday ever again this summer!!! Wooo hoo! It was also probably the most fun I've had at work. It seemed like it took forever to get over because we were outside all day in the "hot" sun for the first time ever, but I just reminded myself that I wasn't going to have to work another Monday again this summer, and that cheered me up. Buuuut, it was fun because both Lindseys and I worked together all day. Well, that's not true. I actually didn't start outside until after the first break, after I finished the seed I was cleaning. We were sorting the six and twelve packs of grass into their different species, and cutting the roots off the bottoms of the trays and trimming, so they could come out easily when they went to plant them in the feild, blah blah. Anyway, it was really fun. I was sitting there quoting Dumb an Dumber like nonstop, Lindsey Bellinger was upset because she didn't want to be there, so she wasn't concentrating and often did something hallarious or just dumb, which equaled hallarious. :) And Lindsey Aitkin was trying to calm down the circus and make us focus and do something right. Haha. Ooooh, and while we were working, we were getting attacked by wasps, which I think made it that much more fun! haha. Anyway, I descovered that my calling in life is to chop up bees with scissors. I don't mean to brag or anything, but I freaking rock at it! :) Yup, and then we also killed them with RAID, and that was also really fun. Oh, and we went to Dutch Brothers again at lunch, we go, like two or three times a week, and this time the guy we nick-named "The Big Yellow One is the Sun" didn't ask us if we were on our way to the lake to soak up the sun.
Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure I mentioned that. We always go there, and the guy ALWAYS asks if we are going to the lake, blah blah. He has GOT to have figured it out by now. No, we come on our lunch break, and we go back to work after lunch. DUH. Like we do EVERY FREAKING TIME, and tell him EVERY FREAKING TIME. :) Clearly Dutch Bros. isn't hiring people for their IQ.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Last Monday of Work!!!
Posted by cmb at 6:36 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Today, at work there were some important visitors from Meridian Idaho. My boss was freaking out and we had to totally clean everything up for them. The cleaning started yesterday, and this morning was funny. When I trim the little plants, I always have a bucket there to let the trimmings drop into, but this time, we had to sweep everything up after that too. Aaaaand, I got to do the honors of sweeping the entire big greenhouse. It SUCKED. Today, while the visitors were in Virginia's office, we had to be really quiet. I had to tip-toe upstairs and down, and I took off my shoes when I got upstairs, careful to not make any noise, Lindsey Aitkin and I were totally bummed that this meant that we had to cancel our tap dancing routine for the day. Haha. No, it was really not too bad. Buuuut the worse part, is at our 10:00 break, when Virginia joined us for break. She said the visitors were from Meridian, and she didn't know where that was, and did any of us know where it was? I almost burst into tears, because I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THERE RIGHT NOW!!! My family was supposed to travel to Boise, well, Meridian to where my aunt lives, and stay for about a week, while checking out future colleges for me, and school shopping and just hanging out. Buuuut, there were some issues that came up that thwarted that. So, much to my dismay, I had to work all week, and then those humans showed up from Meridian and I wanted to punch them. All though, I did feel really bad for them, because I know how long of a drive that is, and they got there around like 8:30, which means they must have left there a little after midnight. Wow, that sucks.
In other news, I have my senior pictures on Thursday, and I'm totally stressed about them because I always look like poop in important pictures. I just know something BAD is going to happen, like I'm going to break a nail or something, so I'm going to look like a loser in the piano ones. Or, I'm accidentally going to catch my hair on fire the night before, and end up having to cut it, and wear my hair suuuper short for pics. I had a dream about that one.
I was sooooo happy it rained today. Because, not only did it smell suuuuper yummy, but I didn't have to ride my bike to the shop to meet my dad! :) yey! Well it's mostly a "yey" after yesterday's fiasco, with a crazy half way drunk guy on a bike chasing after me. Seriously, it freaked me out. I thought I was going to die. Fortunately, I had Devon's words locked away in my brain, that trying to capture me would be like trying to grab onto a tornado. And, now that I think about that, that may have been rude, but I thought she meant because of my cat-like reflexes and because I would be suuuper fast and he wouldn't be able to hold onto me. My dad always joked about how if I got kidnapped, it wouldn't matter, because they would probably have me for like 30 seconds and then bring me straight back. Wow, now that I think of THAT, that was RUDE too! Jeeeezzzz!
Senior year starts in like 10-ish days. Good grief. I am soooo not ready to not be at East Linn. That place is home to me. I know I have griped and complained about it, but really. I don't know where I would be without that place. Everyone there is forgiving and loving, and especially the faculty. Someday, I will give back to East Linn, and thank them for everything they've done for me. Someday, I will do something to make up for all the crap I gave them. I looked online for my tentative schedule this year, and I think this year's going to be very interesting. I haven't decided what I am doing for my other elective, besides choir, obviously. Right now I am signed up for the speech/drama class but who knows. I am kind of rethinking that. I would also like to have a free period where I could have study hall or be a TA or something.
Wow, I'm so glad it's Friday. It has been a very long week, and I'm sooo ready for this weekend. I think I'm going to the zoo tomorrow with some friends, but who knows. With Megan, you never know what's really going to happen. And that's exactly why I love that girl!! :)
Posted by cmb at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Shoulda Coulda Woulda :(
So, as the summer is coming to a close, I will sadly go over the things that I didn't get to do this summer that I was FOR SURE going to do this summer:
1.) Ride the train to Washington to visit Mogie Pogie
2.) Jump off Larwood Bridge with Mogie
3.) Go with KP to Seattle for a shopping trip.... who knows... there is still time... :)
4.) Eat ice cream upside down on monkey bars
5.) Finally suck it up and get my license haha, that's not happening soon!
6.) Try out for a musical at ACT (albany civic theater)
7.) Get voice lessons
8.) Read Jane Ayer
9.) Help out with the soup kitchen
10.) Go to Prince Edward Island and meet Anne of Green Gables and walk with her through "Lovers Lane" and the "White Way of Delight" and swim with her in "The Lake of Shining Waters" ...ah well... next summer.
Posted by cmb at 4:38 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Just a note...
Just a little note for my little Danae-Nay, so she knows I'm still alive:
I love you Danae! Thanks for always reading! :) I've been praying for you, and I hope this post makes you smile! :) Have a FANTASTIC day! Keep Smiling!
Posted by cmb at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Crew!!!
So here is a picture of all the cool people I get to hang out with every day at work... well, chelsie, the second girl in just left us recently. She went to grad. school, I believe in Colorado somewhere. And her brother, Brad, who is standing directly behind her, is leaving on Friday for the University of Idaho. He will be a sophomore this year. Good luck to him! :) I suppose since I introduced those two, I will introduce the rest of the crew. Erin, is on the end. She's sweet and spunky and one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my entire existence. She is pretty funny when you get her one-on-one. I just love her. Next is Chelsie. She's pretty cool, also very smart. Then Brad is behind her, he's also very smart. He's going to school to be a engineer and is going to make bank. :) Then in front of him to the right is Lindsey Aitkin. She's also freaking funny and a joy to be around. I just love her. She is inspirational and is just an all around great girl. She will be traveling to Chile to be with her Chilian boyfriend in September, and hopefully come home engaged :) She's soooo much fun!Then behind her to her right is Virginia. This woman is officially THE MOST INTELLIGENT woman I have ever met. She's sooooo smart, and I just look up to her and respect that about her soooo much! She is super nice, and has a big heart. The only downfall is that she LOVES cats, and owns 4 of them at the farm. But I am very honored to work for this woman. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to work for. Then in front of her is Lindsey Bellinger. This girl, I have had the honor of knowing all my life. She is HYSTERICAL. I'm sure you have all heard stories about this one. She's is just a joy to be around. She makes it very interesting out on the farm. She is constantly our comic relief. She's got a GREAT sense of humor. I just LOVE this girl, and she is the reason that we don't go insane around there :) haha. Next, is obviously me, and behind me is Antonio. He is very quiet but very nice. He speaks very little English, so things get very interesting. Like, the other day when he was trying to get my attention, and I had my
headphones on, he was like jumping up and down making noises flailing his arms about. It was soooo cute :) hahaha. I just love this picture of all of us girls. We had such a great time when we were doing all the measuring (aka PVP) we just had a blast! I don't know why Lindsey B likes seed cleaning so much. I just loved hanging out with these three all day long. It was a BLAST!!!!!!It's crazy to think that all of this will be over in a couple of weeks. At the beginning of the summer it seemed like forever, but really it's gone by soooo quickly. I have enjoyed it very much. This is definitely and experience that I will want to have again. I cannot wait for PVP next summer! I know that sounds nerdy, and if Lindsey B is reading this, I'm sure she's puking, but really, it was a blast!!!!
Posted by cmb at 8:42 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
When God Speaks
Isn't it crazy how God speaks to us when in way that we least expect it?The past month or so, God has really been speaking to me. I was at a point where I didn't think that I was able to be used for Him and that He was just not interested in me. He soon pointed out to me that it was ME that wasn't interested, and ME that was running from him. I began to read the Word and to just be in constant prayer and realized how much God can use you, and begin to change you from within.I have realized how important it is to read the Word. I have had countless times in the past month or so, where I have had the right verse in my head at the right time, and it's be FANTASTIC!!
I have also been convicted of many things. One of these things has been realizing what I put into my mind. I have for so long just read whatever seemed interesting to me. I realized that it's true, what you put INTO your mind is what comes out. That has been my conviction, and I have really been praying about what it is I read. And even the music that I listen to. As everyone who knows me, knows that I am totally and irrevocably passionate about music. And so many times I find myself singing songs that would not be glorifying to the Lord, so I have been trying to not do that as part of my obedience to the Lord. I love the songs "Beloved" and "By Your Side" both of which are by Tenth Avenue North. They bring me to tears, every time I hear these songs. If you haven't heard these songs, you totally NEED TO ... I put them on my sidebar for you all to hear... PLEASE listen to them. And I'm going to make it very easy for you all and write the lyrics to these songs here:
Posted by cmb at 11:27 PM 2 comments